Spinach pie
I had spinach pie today which I made last night during boyfriend-meet-my-dad dinner, so it has a little bit of stress in it, but it's still good. It's a Greek recipe my friend Stef's grandmother used to make. First mix:
2 cups flour
1 t. salt
1 cup warm water
Mix together to form a dough. Roll into log then divide in half and then each half in 6 pieces.
Melt 1 stick salted butter.
Brush plate with butter. Roll each of the first six dough balls as thin as you can, put one at a time on the plate and brush with butter between the layers. After 6, cover with plastic wrap. Butter again and stack next 6 layers with butter brushed between. Refrigerate 20 minutes.
Meanwhile mix:
1 12oz container low fat cottage cheese
1 pound spinach, destemmed and steamed (1 package frozen from Trader Joe's is perfect)
3 eaggs, beaten
1 t. salt
1 T cream cheese
Butter a large pie pan. Take the first stack of dough layers and roll it thin to cover the bottom and sides of the pie pan. Pour in the spinach filling. Roll out the second stack of dough layers and cover the top. Seal with water and roll edges in. Cover top with buter. Cut seams in top to allow steam out. Bake at 400 for 50 minutes. Let cool a bit before serving. De-lish!
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