Saturday, April 21, 2007

Blueberry Muffins

Recipe from Tofu 1-2-3. They use silken tofu in place of eggs, and a cup of maple syrup instead of white sugar. I'm renaming these "Blueberry Pancake Muffins" because that is exactly what they taste and smell like, thanks to the maple syrup. So good! These are the easiest muffins I have ever made.

Inside view.

I realized that "Tofu 1-2-3" is actually a vegan cookbook masquerading as a tofu cookbook, (no eggs or other dairy throughout), although as far as I can tell there is no use of the word "vegan." Smart marketing move. I think tofu has lost most of its stigma thanks to all the good press that soy protein gets nowadays, but I don't the think the concept of vegan is that consumer-friendly yet. They will probably move more books by marketing it as a tofu cookbook than a vegan cookbook. Regardless, it's a great book!


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