I made this Spanish Tortilla using
this recipe from the new issue of Eating Well. Yum! Recommended!

I ate it with some diced tomatoes drizzled in a tiny bit of olive oil with fresh basil from S's basil plant. Tomatoes are a good idea with this dish, as the recipe suggests, although tomatoes in March, from Holland...not so good. I will make this again in summer when I can get fresh tomatoes from the farmer's market. I bet white wine would be great with this too, also as the recipe suggests, or some fresh, homemade salsa. Next time! Also, I did not use store-bought pre-cooked diced potatoes as the recipe suggests. Yuck! Just cook a potato! I cooked it while I diced and chopped everything else and it was not a big deal. Plus no nasty additives that are undoubtedly in the store-bought ones.
Flipping it was a bit difficult. I'm amazed I didn't lose the thing all over the counter or floor. I'm equally amazed I didn't burn myself on the hot frying pan as I flipped. I did wear an oven mit just in case. Some of the egg mixture did splash onto the counter, and it did not flip too neatly back into the pan, but in the end it all evened out and made a nice round tortilla. I wish they had a video on their website of someone flipping it.
Observation: when I added the three cups of chopped baby spinach into the egg mixture, it looked like too much spinanch, but it turned out to be just right, so don't be alarmed if it looks like spinach overload.
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