Saturday, May 19, 2007

Schwarzbein Breakfast

Here's my attempt at eating a balanced Schwarzbein breakfast: broccoli cheese souffle, diced tomatoes, and two veggie sausage links.

Have I mentioned you should read the Schwarzbein books and Tired of Being Tired? I am currently reading "The Schwarzbein Principle" and like "Tired of Being Tired," it is blowing my mind. Here are just a few passages that I have underlined:

Heartburn is the burning sensation felt when acid from the stomach rises back up the esophagus. When you think about eating, your body assumes it will receive protein, and your stomach produces hydrochloric acid. The purpose of this acid is to activate enzymes for the digestion of proteins. On a low-fat, low-protein diet, the carbohydrates you eat go through the stomach so quickly that the outpouring of acid has nowhere to go but up. To complicate the issue, later on, insulin, stimulated by these carbohydrates, further increases acid production by activating other hormone systems. p. 25

The medical profession and the media has so frightened the public about cholesterol and fat that people firmly believe they must be avoided at all costs. But this fear of cholesterol and fat is not grounded in scientific fact. On the contrary, cholesterol and fat are essential to life. If you do not eat cholesterol and fat, you will be on the accelerated metabolic aging track toward disease and


It would be impossible to list all the health problems that can occur as a result of depriving your body of fat, but here are few signs and symptoms: brittle nails, carbohydrate and stimulant craving, dry/limp/thinning hair, infertility, insomnia, loss of lean body mass with body-fat gain around the middle, mood disorders, scaly/itchy

I've been doing the high-carb/low-protein/no-fat/low-fat thing for nearly 15 years, thanks to my poor vegetarian diet. I was definitely not a good vegetarian, and now that I'm in my 30s I can feel these years of poor nutrition catching up with me which is why I'm really trying to change my diet to a more balanced one, which is really the crux of this Schwarzbein thing. They do have a cookbook for vegetarians and don't discourage people from vegetarianism, but I've finally accepted the fact that while my brain is telling me not to eat meat, my body is really craving it so I'm going with what my body is saying. Maybe at some point I won't want to eat meat anymore, but for now, it's on the menu!


Blogger Kerry said...

I've decided that with all this too fat/too skinny debate, what Americans just need to do is switch. All those fatties out there need to start depriving themselves and all those malnurished ladies need to start eating butter and cream! I refuse to believe Americans as a whole are too fat or malnurished. It's just that most people lie in one extreme or the other. Easting healthy is about being MODERATE, a concept Americans just don't get very well.

12:31 PM  
Blogger K said...

I agree - moderation is very important. I get super intense sugar cravings around my period, which according to Schwarzbein is caused by low estragen levels that happen around a woman's period. So, when I'm PMSing moderation is out the door! I'm shoving fistfulls of chocolate and jellybeans into my mouth! I'm hoping eating a more balanced diet will help curb the cravings, along with evening primrose oil, which I've just started taking.

3:16 PM  

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