While I take pains to eat healthy during the week, on the weekend all bets are off. This is just one example of my not-so-healthy weekend eating habits, which this weekend also included M&Ms, Fritos, and homemade chocolate chip cookies. I was a bit alarmed to step on the scale this morning and see that I am two pounds over my normal weight, so I'm going to have to reel it in a bit. I'm going to have to figure out how to get to the gym regularly now that I'm back in school, and try and take walks during my lunch break to discourage office butt.
This particular House of Pizza and Calzone in Brooklyn is known for their fried calzones. Good lord! That is something I know I would like way too much, so it's probably better to not ever try it all.
Ah, office butt. Known to me by the non-pc term "secretary ass." T'is a dangerous, dangerous affliction.
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