Monday, May 21, 2007

Local Cheeses Are the Best

I've been trying to go to the Farmer's Market in Ballard every Sunday to get local produce, cheese, bread, and seafood. I'm trying to take little steps to be more of a locavore even if I can't change my whole life to center on eating just local foods. The Farmer's Market is about all I can do for now. But it is great. Yesterday I bought some local cheese from these two 11 year old cheese mongers from a regional cheese farm. They were wheeling and dealing like pros - hilarious! The cheese is yummy too.

Here's a startling op-ed piece about the dark side of vegans. I've said it once and I'll say it again. Vegans are extremists. They are generally not sane or rational people. When folks call my choosing to not eat meat veganism, I remind them that a fish and dairy-eating vegetarian is very different, and pretty mainstream. I am against extremism in all forms. Say it with me people: MODERATION is the key.


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