Saturday, February 10, 2007

Champagne Friday!

Another fantastic Champagne Friday was held at the apartment yesterday.

Here's my starter salad, who's purpose was to keep me from eating too much cheese and bread. I think it worked! I'm trying to keep some red leaf lettuce and shredded carrots on hand at all times now - keeps me from munching on less healthier stuff (well, ideally...)

Rosemary bread from Citarella with Unio olive oil. So delicious! This is a very olive-y olive oil. I hate olives, but I loved this stuff. And who did I see walking out of Citarella as I'm walking in? Uma Thurman! We totally made eye contact but I looked away really quickly as I hate to gawk when I see a celebrity, especially if they are just out getting groceries by themselves and trying to be a normal person like the rest of us schleps. Anyway...

And the piece de resistance: le fromage and le Champagne (or, in this case, sparkling wine, but who's telling?)Also, some smoked whitefish hiding behind that hunk of cheese. I picked up some "cave-aged" gruyere at Citarella, and the rest I don't remember their names - I will have to write them down next time. Could I be turning into a cheese snob? No way! I still love me some sliced American cheese from the deli any old day!

We ended the evening with chocolate cake shots: one part citron vodka, one part Frangelico, and just sugar the rim of your shot glass. You will be shocked at how chocolate cake-y this tastes. We made two shots and passed them around, so everyone got a few sips. Delish!


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