Monday, November 19, 2007

Spicy Black Bean Burgers

I tossed this recipe together in 5 minutes plus frying time! It's a combo of this recipe and this one (I didn't have any salsa, and I like lots of spice). Yum yum! I took a picture, but you can imagine what a black bean burger looks like, right?

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Trolley Snacks

Sign at one of the T stops on the Green Line in Boston. S said it was one of the oldest T stops, but I forget which one...maybe Lechemere?

Monday, November 12, 2007

On Plastic Bags

When faced with the "paper or plastic?" question at the grocery store, I take plastic. Why? Because I use plastic bags from the grocery store as my garbage bags at home. That way I don't have to buy boxes of garbage bags. It's great that you can get paper bags at the grocery store...but then don't you just have to buy plastic garbage bags for your garbage? Maybe we could save the trees used to make paper bags by all using plastic grocery bags for garbage bags. Yes, they are small and you'd have to take the garbage out more, but I haven't found it to be so much of a hassle. I guess I'd just like to counter the cresting anti-plastic grocery store bag movement with idea that they can also be used as garbage bags, hence saving trees in the process by not getting paper bags at the grocery store.

As a side note, according to the Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation website, Rhode Island is the only state with a plastic bag and plastic film recycling program. That's kinda cool.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Happy Ketchup

Smiley-face ketchup from Johnny Rockets in the Providence Place Mall.

(The french fries sucked).

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Crispy on the outside and chewy on the inside - these are delicious! I used this recipe from Food Network. I used Guittard chocolate chips for the first time - recommended. And if you love to eat cookie dough, this recipe is for you! I must have eaten at least a half a cup of the stuff, trying not to think of my pilates class from this morning evaporating with every bite.

Easy recipe, low commitment, and high reward. This one's a keeper!